Sunday, June 12, 2005



Well, Saturday was a big day -- I attended the Gay Pride parade in Boston and the Flag Day festivities in Quincy. Kind of a yin and yang, sublime and ridiculous kind of thing. But this blog is about paradoxes, contrasts, etc. -- so this is an appropriate posting.

In thinking about it, though, I'm not sure that the two events are incongruous. I'm sure that gay men and women have served this country -- I mean, somebody had to design those dress uniforms. And all those guys in the Continental Congress with the wigs and the pantyhose -- don't they look like they're about to break out in a rousing chorus of "YMCA"? (Well, maybe not John Adams.) Maybe that's why the army didn't desert en masse at Valley Forge -- they were too into the relationships.

I think there's another book for David McCollough to write.
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