Sunday, July 31, 2005



It took me by surprise when I first heard that the British authorities were looking for suspects in the recent suicide bombings. I mean, aren't most suspects in a suicide bombing already dead? And what do you do with such a person if you capture him/her? Put them on "life-row"?

You see, that's why the sun set on the British Empire. Somebody blows up something over there, and they look for suspects. But someone blows up something over here, and we don't mess around with the small fry. We invade countries. The problem with the Brits is that they just don't think big enough.

You know, I think I have an idea on how to deal with this terrorist thing. Obviously Britain is crawling with terrorists, and they do have weapons of mass destruction. If we just invade them, that should solve our problems. After all, didn't they burn Washington a couple of years ago, anyway?
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