Friday, August 19, 2005



I must apologize to my millions of faithful readers for the lack of recent postings to this blog. I've been on a five-week vacation at my Texas ranch. . .

All kidding aside, I think that the people criticizing the President's vacation are being quite hypocritical. First of all, the man is a lame-duck President. He doesn't really answer to anyone anymore -- so why shouldn't he take the world's longest vacation. I mean, who is he going to ask permission from, anyway? And, if we were in the same position, wouldn't we all do the same thing?

Besides, most of the people criticizing the length of his vacation are people who don't like him anyway. I would expect them to be in favor of an even longer vacation -- so that he could do less damage.

My only criticism has nothing to do with the length of his vacation, but rather the location. I mean, this guy is rich -- he could vacation anywhere. Rome, Paris, Newark -- anywhere. He goes to Crawford, Texas. Huh? It's the middle of summer, for Christsakes -- who goes to Texas?!

But what I really don't get is all the people protesting outside his ranch -- not to mention all the people protesting the protestors. Am I the only person left in this country who has a job? Where do all these people find the time? It's like all the people who were outside the courtroom during the Michael Jackson trial. Don't these people have anything to do? How do these people make a living? If it's this bad now, what will happen when the boomers retire? Who will be left to sell the "I was at Crawford" tee shirts to the protestors?

So -- to sum up -- the President isn't working and nobody else is working. There must be chores to do on this ranch -- maybe the real story is that they're all out camped outside looking for jobs.
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